I Like it!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Addicted To You!!!

Gunz Online!!!
Did you know!!!??? How much I miss this Game...the best game online fighting I ever like !!! Oh Gunz Online!!! My nickname when online this game is DeeDeeEmo..totally emo play this game... If I never kill even one!!! I would not satisfied!!! Damn!! Miss u bebeh...

Muahhhhhhhh....I like to use 2 sword and use it power by holding the mouse 1 for a moment then throw out the power to enemy...Damn..So good to release tension. When the compliment says Excellent or Fantastic!!! Damn, so good...hiah...ariba ariba...

They even can run the wall and roof...it was easy to kill people by using sword..but hate when they play cheat!!!! Urggghhhhhhhhh...since that time, this game getting bored when everytime outsiders online gamers cheating!!! Damn u!!!

Everytime I was being cheated, I'm stuck cannot go anywhere...Urggghhh...Since that the game not fun anymore..sometimes when we play, we can't see the enemy..totally boring like that...urggghhh...So hard to level up if keep going like that u know...Urggghhh...

See that word??? Unbelievable, Excellent and Fantastic...hahah..miss that word...cause this game everytime we maded to kill enemy, we got compliment...weeeee...happi happi....Semangat maaa.....

Not only Men character to fight in this game! There is girl character too...eheheh...Ganas that girl eh...ahahaha...

Can you all see that beautiful power sword this character bring??!!! Hmmmm...nice colour!! So do the effect !! ehehe...strong enough to decrease the enemy power...

Hahah...If you dare to create you character that not wearing anything beside short pant? Can!!! But, it is dangerous u know for your life...except u play cheat!!! Cause every shirt and accessories that you wear will effect the player...

If you was hit or been shoot by enemy, the picture on your screen will appear like this....Keep running and hold the mouse 2 so you can protect yourself too..(I'm not quite remember again how to play this game after 3 years left it)...

I love to see that wing behind..hahaha...good!!!! unbelievable!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!!

Damn!!! This one totally a good shot!!!! nice!!!!!!! (^_^) (^~^) (^O^)..... Keep it up!!!!! Hiahhh.....


While loading the game we might see this for cuci mata and imagine this is us in that online world...chewahhhh...perasan kunun.....Gunz The Duel!!!!

Yeah bebeh....muah....come to me....auuuuuuuuuuuuu......

Official Gunz online loading..........Nice huh....ehehhe....

You all should try this game.....I mean.. a friend that love to play online beside Counter strike or Condition Zero only..ehehhe....

Hit me Bebeh.....Ehhhhehehhehehh...orait..until now then...C you Later in online World!!!!! muah... Chow Bedah....

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